Prompts: Open When....
You're Happy
You're Sad
You're Frustrated
You're Tired
You're Hungry
You've Had a Good Day
You've Had a Bad Day
You Want a Hung
You Want a Kiss
You Want to Celebrate
I'm Not Answering My Phone
It's Valentine's Day
It's the Fourth of July
It's Thanksgiving
It's Christmas
It's October 3 (for boyfriend)
It's August 1 (for girlfriend)
It's January 26 (for spouse)
***Tip: There's a national holiday for practically everything under the sun. Pick something that's special/important to you, look up if there's a holiday for it, and include it in your letter! For my boyfriend and I, it was dogs. So for International Dog Day, August 26, I created an envelope stuffed with lots of dog pictures and wrote him a list titled "dog breeds we want" with a couple blank spots to fill in.
If you aren't the DIY type, check out some of these great customizable options!