Anyone else have a deep-rooted fear of walking up to someone and asking where something is in a store? Do you insist on carrying something way too heavy for you to handle on your own rather than inconvenience someone? Do you take on a million projects at once, but not delegate because you don't want to bother someone else with a task they could definitely handle?
Those things are all me. I am the worst at asking for help. Usually, I'd just wait until someone else went up to the clerk, try to carry a huge box up a flight of stairs (and end up tripping), or break down under the stress of trying to do everything myself.
This year, I had to have surgery on my shoulder. I was in a sling for 4 weeks, and couldn't carry more than two pound weights for the next two months. It was so hard to ask people to open doors for me, carry my laundry downstairs, or to help me pick up packages from the mail room.
No one, not one person, ever complained.
When I told my roommate what a hard time I was having asking people to help me, she asked: "What are you afraid of? If it were me who were hurt, would you think for a second before helping me with these things? Would you resent being there for me?"
The answer, of course, was no. I wouldn't think twice about helping my friends and family if they were ever in my situation. So why am I so afraid of leaning on others?
I know I need to be better at leaning on others, and asking them for help when I need it. If I won't rely on my friends to be there when I need them, I'm not offering them the trust and vulnerability they deserve from me. So over the next three months, I'll be setting goals for myself to open up.
Ask for help with assignments or work when I don't understand what I'm doing, and stop pretending I have answers for things I don't.
When I can't find what I need in a store, ask someone where it is instead of wandering through the aisles for half an hour.
Delegate when I have a huge task that other people can help me tackle.
Tell people when I'm struggling and need encouragement instead of bottling it up.
I'd really encourage you, if you're like me, to try some of these for yourself! This is going to be so good for us. I just know it!